On Tue, 6 Jan 2004, Henning Hraban Ramm wrote:
Am Dienstag, 06.01.04, um 08:21 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb Peter Münster:
Ok, I'm going to try it, perhaps it'll be my first ConTeXt module ;)
It shouldn't be a module, but an environment.
All right. Here is my first try, where you can see, that I've still a problem to be solved, so I would be lucky about any help: % this environment works a little bit like \usepackage[DIVcalc]{typearea} % in LaTeX as explained in detail in scrguien.pdf (KOMA-Script documentation) \startenvironment e-test \def\BCOR{3mm}% eventual binding correction \setbox\scratchbox\hbox{\dorecurse{26}{\character\recurselevel}} \newdimen\PageWidth \PageWidth=\paperwidth \doifmode{BCOR}{\PageWidth=\dimexpr(\PageWidth-\BCOR)} %%%%%% Here is the problem: dividing one length by another. %%%%%% % the following is not working for 2 reasons: % * there is still the "pt" behind the numbers % * one cannot divide by a real number, only integer %\edef\Ratio{\the\numexpr(\the\paperheight / \the\PageWidth)} \edef\Ratio{1.5}% to make the rest work... \newdimen\Width \newdimen\Height \newdimen\Back \Width=\dimexpr(2.5\wd\scratchbox) \Height=\dimexpr(\Ratio\Width) \headerheight=2.75\baselineskip \edef\Top{\the\dimexpr((\paperheight - \Height) / 3 - \headerheight)} \doifmodeelse{oneside}{% \Back=\dimexpr((\PageWidth - \Width) / 2) }{% \Back=\dimexpr((\PageWidth - \Width) / 3) \setuppagenumbering[alternative=doublesided]} \doifmode{BCOR}{\Back=\dimexpr(\Back + \BCOR)} \Height=\dimexpr(\Height + \headerheight + \footerheight) \setuplayout[header=\the\headerheight,height=\the\Height, width=\the\Width,topspace=\Top,backspace=\the\Back] \stopenvironment Peter -- http://pmrb.free.fr/contact/ ------------------------------------ Film Search site: http://f-s.sf.net/