Am Freitag, 26.09.03, um 11:33 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb
Since I don\'t have enough time do learn Context properly at this moment - but need some documents printed for students I ask you for some payed support:
I don't have enough time to give payed support.
- Install a Context Environment - tips for layouting my documents - converting some of my existing winword-documents to context (I think there will be a lot of handwork for you) - tips and suggestions: \"digital-printer-company\" (Digitaldruck-Firma) and how to work together with them. I am german and have to use \"deutsche Umlaute\" - therefore I think it will be the best to get support from a german speaking person.
Have a look into my german beginner's tutorial at, that is, Regarding layout: Buy a good book, e.g.: minimal: Gorbach, Textgestaltung am PC und Mac. Ravensburg 1995 (out of print, but used available at amazon) optimal: Willberg/Forssmann, Lesetypographie. Mainz 1996 If you know what you want, ask again. Regarding digital printshop: It depends on your wishes and a bit on your location. Grüßlis vom Hraban! --