On 01/31/2015 05:42 PM, Rob Heusdens wrote:
[...] The code looks likes this, but this examples does not exhibit the same faulty off-by-1-page interactive page jump behaviour. In the chapters in the body matter, always directly after a new chapter a section begins (in this example omitted).
Hi Rob,
include in your preamble the following command to avoid makeups not being numbered as pages:
So you donât have to worry about setting counters for userpage.
I donât see any special problem here.
You could define a colophon makeup for the colophon:
(BTW, I thought colophons were at the end of the book.)
I wonder what makes your links point to the next page from their destinations.
BTW, which OS and PDF interpreter are you using?
Hello Pablo, The problem is NOT that the pagenumber as displayed on the page and the page counter in the viewer ar not in sync (because that is repairable by either setting the pagestate=start in the makeup, or by setting the page counter directly, as I did as temoporary workaround). The problem is that the viewer sends me to the wrong page (always off by 1 page too far) in the interactive table of contents. So far I have not figured out where to look for, or make a MWE that exposes the same problem. The code I sent, resembling the setups I use and document structure I use, did NOT expose that error, so I conclude that the problem is (most likely) not viewer related. I use an Evince Document Viewer 3.10.3 on Ubuntu. If I have time I will use the \enabletrackers to see if that can direct me to where the problem may be located. Greetings & thanks, Rob