Hello, in most cases, when a source file is to be closed, pair elements (tags) should balanced. This concerns e.g. { - }, \bgroup - \egroup, \startitemize - \stopitemize, \if - \fi etc. When we have a complicated project structure and when compiling the topmost (root) source, a log for a disbalanced tag may appear, but the unbalanced tag however may be difficult to find. Is there a way to enable "watching" pair tags (at least mentioned before) in the way that their disbalance would be reported (logged)? Maybe a "enable tracker" could provide that... Sample: ---- A.mkiv \starttext A \input B.mkiv \stoptext ---- B.mkiv \startitemize \item B ---- <- "\startitemize" is unbalanced (unfinished by \stopitemize) in the scope of B.mkiv, so a message/log ("unfinished \startitemize") should be printed when B.mkiv is to be closed. Best regards, Lukas