On Sun, 23 May 2021, Hans Hagen wrote:
On 5/22/2021 8:23 PM, Nicola wrote:
I would like to define new symbols by stitching together existing glyphs. This is what I have come up so far:
\define[1]\Transition{-\!\![#1]\!\!\rightarrow} \starttext \m{L\Transition{A}R} \stoptext
This should render as -[ ]->, ideally with no space between the dash or the arrow and the brackets, i.e., -[ should appear like a single glyph; ditto for ]-->. With the definition above, however, the space is variable, and in some circumstances the gliphs overlap.
How can I improve the above definition? don't use these funny \! skips ... use some font related metric:
This is how we used to define arrows in the old days ... \define[1]\Transition{\relbar\joinrel\mathrel{[}#1\mathrel{]}\joinrel\rightarrow} \define[1]\BigTransition{\relbar\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\mathrel{[}#1\mathrel{]}\joinrel\relbar\joinrel\rightarrow} \starttext \m{L\Transition{A}R} \m{L\BigTransition{A}R} \stoptext Aditya