Am 18.06.2013 um 22:26 schrieb Pablo Rodríguez
Dear list,
I'd like to place a table centered (both horizontally and vertically) on an empty page.
Is there no option from the xtable itself to achieve that?
I have tried \startxtable[location=lohi], but this doesn't seem to affect to the placement of the table itself.
Many thanks for your help,
You can use a page float to place table: \starttext \input ward \startplacetable[location={page,none}] \startxtable \startxrow \startxcell Table content!\stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtable \stopplacetable \stoptext or when you don’t mind a page break before the table a frame can be used: \defineframedtext [XFRAMED] [width=max, height=max, align={middle,lohi}, offset=overlay, frame=off, before=\page, % before=\page\noheaderandfooterlines, after=\page] \starttext \input ward \startXFRAMED \startxtable \startxrow \startxcell Table content!\stopxcell \stopxrow \stopxtable \stopXFRAMED \input ward \stoptext Wolfgang