Hello again, still struggling with indexes. (1) \setupregister’s before and after go around the indicator. e.g. \setupregister[][indicator=no,after={XX}] never shows that XX, since after is only used after the indicator, while before also works without. I was hoping for a hook at the end of a section (to add \testcolumn, \blank etc. to work around no.2). Is there any? (2) Page/column breaking is odd in that the preferred breaking point seems to be one entry too early, i.e. the last entry of one letter end up in the next column and the previous column is one line too short. It doesn’t change with balance=yes/no. E.g. p.1 A A A A A A B A B A B A <<<< !? p.2 B C B C B C C C C D C D (3) (How) can I otherwise influence page/column breaking? E.g. - always keep multi line entries together - break before or after some entry (4) Is it possible to combine entries from \index and \startregister[index]? If I use \start/stopregister and have the same index entry within the range or on the same page, I get duplicate pages or page ranges, like 10-12 from \startregister and additionally 11, 12-13 from \index entries, makes at the moment 10-12, 11, 12-13 instead of just 10-13. I’ll prepare MWEs, but maybe you can answer some of these without? Thank you in advance, Hraban