User 19087 schrieb am 16.01.19 um 21:56:
I'm having trouble scaling down symbols and emojis. For a while I assumed these don't scale with the current font size. Then I scoured the mailing list and realized that while scaling down seems broken, scaling up works as expected: \tx (or \tfx, \bfx etc.) and \txx are ignored in some cases unlike the other size switches (\tfa etc.).
When you need a switch for a smaller size which doesn’t has these limitations you can just create them: \definefontsize [m] \definefontsize [n] \setupbodyfontenvironment [default] [m=0.8, n=0.6]
\setupsymbolset[martinvogel 2]
\starttext % Progressively larger as expected. \symbol[ShortForty] {\tfa\symbol[ShortForty]} {\tfb\symbol[ShortForty]} {\tfc\symbol[ShortForty]} {\tfd\symbol[ShortForty]}
% Unexpectedly all the same size. \symbol[ShortForty] {\tfx\symbol[ShortForty]} {\tfxx\symbol[ShortForty]}
% This works, but why? Isn't \small just a synonym for \tfx via % \definealternativestyle? Anyway there is no synonym for \tfxx. \symbol[ShortForty] {\switchtobodyfont[small]\symbol[ShortForty]} {\small\symbol[ShortForty]} No, \small us the same as \switchtobodyfont[small] % This also works but is less than ideal when matching surrounding font sizes. % Which factor should I use to match \tfxx? \symbol[ShortForty] \scale[factor=4]{\symbol[ShortForty]} x = 0.8 xx = 0.6