Hans Hagen schrieb am 27.01.2021 um 22:31:
On 1/27/2021 6:28 PM, Peter Münster wrote:
On Sun, Jan 10 2021, Peter Münster wrote:
\currentdate% same as \date, but I would expect the day of today...
Should I fill a bug-report on the tracker? Perhaps also for the missing space after \date[]?
Reporting here is faster. Can (lazy me) Wolfgang confirm the issue?
1. Wrong date The \date command has wrong/weird grouping which makes global changes for the day, month and year. \permanent\tolerant\protected\def\date[#1]#*[#2]% {\dontleavehmode \ifparameter#1\or \begingroup \letdummyparameter\c!d\normalday \letdummyparameter\c!m\normalmonth \letdummyparameter\c!y\normalyear \getdummyparameters[#1]% \normalexpanded {\endgroup \normalday \number\directdummyparameter\c!d\relax \normalmonth\number\directdummyparameter\c!m\relax \normalyear \number\directdummyparameter\c!y\relax}% \fi ...} 2. Missing space When not all optional arguments are used the space after the last given argument is gobbled. This was normal behavior for a long time until you changed the code in MkIV to keep them. \tolerant\def\foo[#1]#*[#2]% {[#1][#2]} \starttext a \foo [1] b a \foo [1] [2] b \stoptext Wolfgang