I have an mtxrun on a .tex file that has problems I need to debug.
The .tex file handles well, but whenMETAPOST has a go, it crashes. But after the run, I cannot inspect what source was fed to METAPOST. Can I inspect that (outside of what the log tells me)?
In this case, I know METAPOST is fed:
picture pic; x:=80.000; y:=200.000; w:=133.000; h:=53.000;pic := ApplicationComponentLogo( w, h, typeString) shifted (x, -y); draw pic;
but the log says this is wrong:
metapost log > >> unknown picture pic
metapost log > >> ApplicationComponentLogo
metapost log > ! Equation cannot be performed (unknown picture=numeric).
metapost log > <to be read again>
metapost log > (
metapost log > <*> ... h:=53.000;pic := ApplicationComponentLogo(
metapost log > w, h, typeString) shifted...
SoI need to inspect what is fed to METAPOST to see why METAPOST thinks pic or ApplicationComponentLogo have not been defined.