Dear all, I have near to zero knowledge about MPgraphics, so I always use SVG files from various sources. I do something like this: \defineoverlay[pic][\externalfigure[form.svg][width=14em]] \defineframed [textcircledA] [ frame=off, strut=yes, rulethickness=0.0pt, background=pic, location=top,] \textcircledA{\externalfigure[icon.svg][width=280px]} The form.svg appears as background of icon.svg. Now I want to change the stroke color in the svg. It is very simple: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- Created with Inkscape (http://www.inkscape.org/) --> <svg width="20.887mm" height="17.613mm" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 20.887 17.613" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g transform="translate(152.66 -101.94)"> <path d="m-150.94 114.93c-0.5424-1.3121-0.58209-2.9382 0.18256-5.2163 2.3566-7.0175 11.139-8.7098 15.878-3.0594 7.6978 8.7032-11.506 16.052-16.06 8.2756" fill="none" stroke="#99bcdb" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2"/> </g> </svg> I can simply open it in inkscape set the color an save it under a meaningful filename, but I would like to set the color in the context file. I tried to define the overlay pic with \includesvgbuffer but I can't get it to work. \startbuffer[svg] <svg width="20.887mm" height="17.613mm" version="1.1" viewBox="0 0 20.887 17.613" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g transform="translate(152.66 -101.94)"> <path d="m-150.94 114.93c-0.5424-1.3121-0.58209-2.9382 0.18256-5.2163 2.3566-7.0175 11.139-8.7098 15.878-3.0594 7.6978 8.7032-11.506 16.052-16.06 8.2756" fill="none" stroke="MyColor" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="2"/> </g> </svg> \stopbuffer \defineoverlay[pic][\includesvgbuffer[svg][offset=1bp]] Nothing happens, no form appears in the overlay. I saw an example with \startstopuseMPgraphic in the Wiki. \startuseMPgraphic{MPtextcircle} path p; p := fullcircle xscaled OverlayWidth yscaled OverlayWidth; setbounds currentpicture to p ; % p:= p shifted (0,StrutDepth/2.7); draw p withpen pencircle scaled 25pt withcolor OverlayLineColor; \stopuseMPgraphic \defineoverlay[OLtextcircle][\useMPgraphic{MPtextcircle}] This works for me. Is it possible to use a svgbuffer in a overlay definition? Or do I have to convert the SVG code to MP? Is there a converter? TIA juh