Hi, I've encountered an issue with the AMS-style publication list (Mark IV). When the bibliography items in my document are typeset in the publication list, the attribute "pages" (from the .bib file; a range of pages is specified, e.g. "pages = {12--34}") is sometimes preceded by "p." (e.g. for "@incollection"), sometimes by "pp." (which I would think of being correct) and sometimes there is nothing (e.g. for "@article"): no "pp."/"p." and not even a point afterwards ending the bib item. Is this behaviour intended? I took a look inside the file "bibl-ams.tex" where (afaik) the setup is defined. The calls of \insertpages there differ a lot: \insertpages{, p. }{. }{. } %from book, l.203 \insertpages{\unskip, p.~}{. }{\unskip. } %from incollection, l.306 \insertpages{\unskip, }{}{} %from article, l.165 \insertpages{\unskip, \fixpp.~}{. }{\unskip. } %from inproceedings, l.344 It seems to me that the last one actually is what every call should look like. But maybe I'm getting this wrong. Any suggestions and/or explanations appreciated. Best regards, Stefan. -- _______ ey, leute, ich hab so lange gebraucht um mir plan a auszudenken, fragt jetzt doch nicht auch noch nach plan b! GRATIS für alle GMX-Mitglieder: Die maxdome Movie-FLAT! Jetzt freischalten unter http://portal.gmx.net/de/go/maxdome01