See if the following modification on your test file works:
\setupoutput[pdftex] % for my system only
\TraChi % for my system only
% When '\' or '}' is the second byte of a Big5 character, use
% \uchar{###}{###} to represent the character instead. For example,
% ³\¥\¶}¡C is represented as:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Edward G.J. Lee"
Dear all,
ConTeXt has Big-5 Traditional Chinese build-in(thanks :), but I can't let it work normally. Because of the `\' and `}' character in Big-5 charset. For example, Big5-0xB35C(uni8A31), Big5-0xA55C (uni529F) and Big5-0xB67D(uni958B).
I use ttf2pt1 to produce *.tfm, *.enc and *.map file for ConTeXt, and use default Poorman's Chinese encoding, I can let the pdfetex grasp TTF directly, but I don't know how to escape `\' and `}'.
My system,
Slackware Linux 8.1 teTeX-1.0.7 pdfTeX (Web2C 7.3.7) 3.14159-1.00b-pretest-20020211 ConTeXt: TeXExec 3.2 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003 I change font-chi.tex to use \TraChi default, and change to my Arphic public font`bsmi00lp'.
I attach a simple test file(in Big-5 encoding).
Did I miss something? Thanks for the help.