At 11:47 30/05/2004, Giuseppe Bilotta wrote:
Nath is a very complex module, easily broken. If you can privately send me your preamble we might be able to find what was breaking it. Or you can try it yourself: move it up line by line until delimiters don't work anymore: you'll find what makes it bomb :)
one problem is that nath redefines and has no real namespace; once you got things properly working, i'll go over the module and see what needs to be fixed
Not yet. Those multi-equation environments are somewhat more difficult to convert to ConTeXt. And I still haven't got a complete grasp on how things work in ConTeXt (esp wrt numbering), so it's a double effort. It's on my TODO list though.
just make things so that they work acceptable and i'll handle the nasty details -) Hans