Dear list, How can I place two figures next to each other without using a \startcombination ... \stopcombination group? I now have this, but it is not what I want: \gebruikexternfiguur[kortoctaaf][cekort][type=eps,hoogte=30mm] \gebruikexternfiguur[gebrokenoctaaf][gebroken][type=eps,hoogte=30mm] \plaatsfiguur [hier] [fig:klavieren] {Enkele varianten van het groot octaaf} {\startcombinatie[2*1] {\kortoctaaf}{kort octaaf} {\gebrokenoctaaf}{gebroken octaaf} \stopcombinatie} I want to have the two figures numbered as seperate, independent figures, but when using a combination, the whole combination is treated as one figure and gets only one number and one label. XXXX XXXX X X X X XXXX XXXX fig.n fig.n+1 I've consulted the manuals and searched the list archives, but I have not found a solution. tnx in advance, Peter van Kranenburg