Am Donnerstag, 20.11.03, um 17:53 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb Ralph Pöllath:
But that leads me to another question: What's with the naming scheme? It sure doesn't make it easier to memorize which of the many documentation PDFs covers what - unless there is in fact a reason behind it, in which case I'd like to know :-)
What starts with "m" ist mostly a manual (except e.g. magazines, that start with "mag"); an "i" oder "s" means an interactive/screen version, if there's also an "p" (paper or print) version; sometimes there are language versions, so "eni" is english interactive, while "nlp" is nederlandse print. What starts with "pre" has to do with presentations. What starts with "x" is about XML. Grüßlis vom Hraban! -- http://www.fiee.net/texnique/