On 11/1/07, Andrea Valle
Hi to all,
I' ve started playing with xml --> context. I've read the docs but even if I am able to do some very basic operation I'm in troubles doing my first real experiment.
I've already generated a book from the collection of html help files of the SuperCollider language using a cumbersome python script. But I was guessing that probably using xml mapping would make my life easier.
Indeed, lxml under python is a cool module. See http://codespeak.net/lxml/ lxml_in_python implements also full xpath/xslt
An example file to be processed is here:
Please ,if you can, consider luatex+context mkiv; in base folder see l-xml-edu.lua lxml-ini.lua lxml-ini.tex l-xml.lua (warning : lxml here has nothing to do with lxml in python, only the same names) I believe that actually lxml_in_luatex does not implements a full xpath/xslt, because not always these are useful in this context. (If I need a full xpath/xslthere here, then I have a too much complex xml document, and I preprocessing it with lxml_in_python) With lxml_in_python_ and lxml_in_luatex_ you can solve all ** reasonable ** problems. Sometimes only lxml_in_python is need, sometimes only lxm_in_luatex, it depends. -- luigi