I think I have the problem nailed down to the fact that in the comparison:
something >= -1234
the parser in question separates the minus in the negative number into a separate child node, apart from the digits; witness the errormessage in the log below.
Changing the number -1234 in the arithmetic expression to number("-1234") (mind the quotes) does give a correctly evaluated expression.
Still, I am baffled by the fact that in arithmetic expressions positive and negative numbers are treated differently in the filtering operation.
Hans van der Meer
On 29 Apr 2016, at 15:04, Meer, Hans van der mailto:H.vanderMeer@uva.nl> wrote:
Here is a minimal example showing that even a number as -1 is not correctly handled by the lpath[selection]-code.
I really am convinced that not handling negative numbers should qualify as a mistake.
Hans van der Meer
% failure of negative number comparison.
\startxmlsetups demo:numberfail
\startxmlsetups demo:numberfail:root
@atta >= 1:\crlf
\xmlfilter{#1}{/[number(@atta) >= 1]/command(demo:numberfail:node)}
@atta >= -1:\crlf
\xmlfilter{#1}{/[number(@atta) >= -1]/command(demo:numberfail:node)}
\xmlfilter{#1}{/[number(@atta) >= number(-1)]/command(demo:numberfail:node)}
\startxmlsetups demo:numberfail:node
node: attribute atta = \xmlatt{#1}{atta}\crlf
<node atta="2"/>
<node atta="3"/>
the error from \type{\xmlfilter{#1}{/[number(@atta) >= -1]/command(demo:numberfail:node)}}:
xml > lpath > error in expression: number(@atta) >= -1 => expr.number((ll.athttp://ll.at/ and ll.athttp://ll.at/['atta'])) >= expr.child(ll,'-')1
the error from \type{\xmlfilter{#1}{/[number(@atta) >= number(-1)]/command(demo:numberfail:node)}}:
xml > lpath > error in expression: number(@atta) >= number(-1) => expr.number((ll.athttp://ll.at/ and ll.athttp://ll.at/['atta'])) >= expr.number(expr.child(ll,'-')1)