Am 25.03.2013 um 16:25 schrieb Procházka Lukáš Ing. - Pontex s. r. o.
\startpagefigure[...] ... \stoppagefigure enlarges page by 1 mm in both directions.
It’s 0.25ex on each side.
This is an undesired effect as when the printer has auto-select-page mode on (which is useful when printing a document with mixed A4 and A3 pages) and an A4 page (210 x 297 mm) is enlarged to 211 x 298, the printer doesn't (auto)choose A4 but a nearest BIGGER page (8.5 x 13 in page in my case).
The definition of \startpagefigure in page-app.mkiv needs a change because \externalfigureparameter\c!offset uses always the global setting. % \def\page_figures_start[#1][#2]% % {\bgroup % \setupexternalfigure[\v!page:\v!figure][\c!offset=\v!overlay,#2]% % \startTEXpage[\c!offset=\externalfigureparameter\c!offset]% % \externalfigure[#1][\v!page:\v!figure]\ignorespaces} % so we can put some text below the graphic \def\page_figures_start[#1][#2]% {\bgroup \def\currentexternalfigure{\v!page:\v!figure}% \setupcurrentexternalfigure[\c!offset=\v!overlay,#2]% \startTEXpage[\c!offset=\externalfigureparameter\c!offset]% \externalfigure[#1]\ignorespaces} % so we can put some text below the graphic \def\page_figures_start[#1][#2]% {\bgroup \setupexternalfigure[\v!page:\v!figure][\c!offset=\v!overlay,#2]% \startTEXpage[\c!offset=\namedexternalfigureparameter{\v!page:\v!figure}\c!offset]% \externalfigure[#1]\ignorespaces} % so we can put some text below the graphic BTW: You can use \pagefigure[<image>] instead of \startpagefigure[<image>]\stoppagefigure. Wolfgang