On 1/20/06, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
<--- On Jan 19, David Arnold wrote --->
I need an easy way of shading these areas:
1. A intersect B 2. A union B 3. A intersect (complement of B) 4. (complement of A) intersect B
There is venn.mp on ctan. Using it you can do basic shading of intersection, union etc for 0,1,2 or 3 sets very quickly. Read the documentation in source for details. For example
Thanks a lot for the very nice example;
\startMPinclusions input venn; pair A,B,T[]; A = (.4venn_width-.5venn_circle_diameter,.5venn_height); B = (.6venn_width+.5venn_circle_diameter,.5venn_height); T1 = (.5venn_width , 0); T2 = (.5venn_width,.5venn_height-.5venn_circle_diameter); vardef venn_shade = red;
vardef venn_shade = red enddef; I tried the (transparent(.8,3,blue)) at that place, but it seems that either ConTeXt or Acrobat have problems here. It either compiled, but then Adobe Reader complained, if I tried to compile fill fullcircle scaled 3cm withcolor (transparent(.8,3,blue)); manually, then I got an error **\relax venn-mpgraph.3 (venn-mpgraph.3 ! Undefined control sequence. \handleMPspecialscommentx #1 ->\doifelse {#1}{10000}{\settrue \manyMPspecial... l.15 %%MetaPostSpecials: 2.0 123 1000 ? Missing character: There is no 1 in font nullfont! ...
Perhaps one can combine the transparent color functionality of metapost with venn.mp to get really nice colors for intersections etc.
Hans: please fix the typo on line 488 in mp-spec.mp. I copied the example from there and wondered why it didn't work (well, it still doesn't work - the problem described above). Mojca