Thank you Taco.
I can imagine next solutions: 1) Do not use predefined keys in my macros, e.g. textWidth instead of textwidth [=user unfriendly].
If you decide on this solution, please use Textwidth instead (at least something that starts with a capital letter).
OK, but I do not like this solution.
2) Use original (mostly Dutch) keys inside of my macros [=developer unfriendly].
In this case, the "correct" solution is to use the interfaced versions like \c!tekstbreedte et al. inside your macros. This is unwieldy if you are not very familiar with the ConTeXt source, but it allows multilingual input (very user friendly).
That is true I was not familiar about \c!... But problem is not in familiarity with ConTeXt source but Dutch language. One should write \c!tekstbreedte instead of \c!textwidth. For non Dutch it means all the time search at mult-*.tex. I know, solution is to learn Dutch... Hans has plan to rewrite all code to English, hasn't it? Very good idea. Multilingual input: - In late 90. when I met ConTeXt first time, I was very confused. Some macros work, something was ignored. It took several days to discover that I have to write (in my czech format) \nastavbarvy instead of \setupcolors. After that I quickly switch to english interface. - Multilingual interface is a nice example of ConTeXt capability, but a bit inpractical. It keeps from source code exchange. I can imagine some transtlators, but... - I think there is no many ConTeXt users (even any?) that use non English or non Dutch interface (languages in which reference manual is written).
3) Define: \unprotect \def\getparametersALL{\dogetparameters\dosetvalueALL}
Actually there is no need to define anything, you can just use \rawgetparameters instead of \getparameters.
Great, but unfortunately it does not work with empty parameter list []. No I have no time but I will look for better definition of \rawgetparameters and \rawsetparameter. Vit Zyka