On 9/24/23 10:04, Jean-Pierre Delange wrote:
[…] mtxrun --script cache --erase && mtxrun --generate […] Now, I must confess that I don't know why installing new fonts in c:\windows\fonts, even after laboriously purging the Windows font cache and reloading the CTX font cache, didn't have the expected effects ...
I had the same problem on Linux, Jean-Pierre. Before having the script to remove the cache as an option (at least, to me), I manually deleted the contents of context/tex/temxf-cache/. Rebuilding font cache hasn’t worked for me (most of the times), so I came to the conclusion that generating the cache from the start worked better for me. The fonts installed in %WINDIR%\Fonts\ are fine. ConTeXt had a problem adding the paths of these new fonts to its font database. Just in case it might be clearer now, Pablo