On Aug 4, 2008, at 4:49 PM, Jörg Hagmann wrote:
Two questions concerning greek modules:
2. I wanted to try the t-greek-2008.05.11 module and unzipped in texmf-local (where I keep my fonts). The "Greek in proper context" etc. articles seem to be outdated, but from the sources I gathered that \usemodule[ancientgreek] or \usemodule[oldgreek] may be used, the latter only if the former doesn't work. I have the following problems/ questions:
A. \usemodule[ancientgreek] doesn't work (mark ii or mark iv). It gives me, e.g.:
! Missing number, treated as zero. <to be read again> \penalty \CCC:4:126 ->\penalty \plustenthousand \space \defineactivecharacter ... {\string #1#2}\empty #1 #2\else \uccode \activehac...
\@@su:enablegreek ...vecharacter ~ {\lettertilde }
\defineactivecharacter | {...
\localgreek #1->\bgroup \directsetup {enablegreek} {#1}\egroup l.6 \localgreek{mo~usa,}
Oh sorry, that's an error that crept in when handling of active characters was changed a couple of weeks ago; I changed it in my own copy on my box but forgot to upload a new version... Will upload today.
B. \usemodule[oldgreek] works with the default font or with Teubner (mark ii and mark iv). But not with Gentium, although the TrueType fonts are installed in texmf-local>fonts>truetype>greek>gentium:
!pdfTeX error: pdftex (file gentium): Font gentium at 720 not found ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
That's bizarre. What are the names of the truetype files that you have installed?
There is no pdf file in the "doc" directory. Maybe a new version is under construction? Why is it better to use the module "ancientgreek"?
t-ancientgreek makes use of ConTeXt typescripts. It allows use of fontswitches such as \em or \bf within Greek text. In the very remote past, I encountered some errors; that's why I provided the t-oldgreek which defines font in a more low-level way. It's really only a workaround and should probably disappear altogether; I haven't seen any of these errors in the past. It is also fairly agnostic concerning the engine (mkii or XeTeX or mkiv, though not all fonts will work with all versions) while t-oldgreek will only work with mkii. Thomas