On 5/19/22 00:09, Bruce Horrocks via ntg-context wrote:
On 18 May 2022, at 17:00, Pablo Rodriguez via ntg-context wrote: Sorry for explaining myself so poorly.
One of the not irrelevant tasks for me is finding examples of XML code.
Perhaps you could start by typesetting a technical source rather than prose?
I suggest trying to typeset the UK Meteorological Office's Shipping Forecast :-)
[...]> It's a good (in my opinion) source because it is amenable to being printed in several different ways: one might be to simply copy the webpage's layout, while another could be to use columns to fit more onto a single page of text.
Hi Bruce, many thanks for your advice. This could be a good way to practice things that I’m not used to. After all, the things you can do with pandoc are rather limited when considered from XML.
Alternatively, a much more demanding exercise would be to typeset the user manual for the XML editing software "Oxygen": https://www.oxygenxml.com> > The XML source for the manual is here: https://github.com/oxygenxml/userguide/blob/master/DITA/UserManual.ditamap
Many thanks for your tip, but I’m afraid this isn’t my cup of tea. But this reminded me of the Guidelines from the Text Encoding Initiative (https://tei-c.org). The PDF version of these Guidelines are roughly over 2000 pages. It could be also a good exercise (and also demanding). Many thanks for your help, Pablo