Dear consortium, Logos blow up in luatex (example below). Is there a workaround, or another method that I should use? Best wishes Idris ========================= % engine=luatex \setuphead[title][after={\placelogos[ijss]}] \definelogo[ijss][footer][left][command=$\aleph$] \starttext \title{Test} \stoptext ========================= layout : calculating logospace ! LuaTeX error ...onTeXt/tex/texmf-local/tex/context/base/attr-ini.lua:262: stack overflow. \finalizeobjectbox ...s_page(tex.box[\number #1])} \finalizeshipoutbox ...ctbox \finalizedshipoutbox \hbox {\ctxlua {states.flu... \actualshipout ...0\hbox {\finalizeshipoutbox {#1} }\setbox \scratchbox \hbox... \myshipout ... \fi {\thisisrealpage \realfolio #1} \gotonextrealpage \aftersh... \dofinaloutput ...agebody #1#2\setpagecounters }}} \fi \the \everyaftershipou... \finaloutput ...EAEAEA \dofinaloutput \fi \fi #1#2 \resetselectiepagina \incr... ... l.9 \stoptext -- Professor Idris Samawi Hamid, Editor-in-Chief International Journal of Shi`i Studies Department of Philosophy Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 80523 -- Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/