George N. White III wrote:
Output written on bibdemo.pdf (2 pages, 42919 bytes). Transcript written on bibdemo.log.
pdftex: Virtual memory exhausted while trying to reserve 8 bytes for table ???.
It seems the error happens at the moment (or just before) pdftex is exited, which is an odd moment for an 'out of memory' type of problem. It looks to me like the error message comes from the operating system itself (it certainly does not look like a normal pdftex error, and I had not heard of it until now). It could be a problem that exists only in the miktex 2.7 version of pdftex, but there could also be an underlying problem in pdftex that for some reason only surfaces in miktex, has to say for sure. In any case, I cannot reproduce this on linux, and as far as I know none of the core pdftex developers use miktex, so you may have to ask on the miktex mailinglist instead. Best wishes, Taco