Antoine Junod schrieb:
I've got two layout problems I can't resolve by myself:
* My 'printer' (the company that will print the booklet for me, not sure that the good word) asks me to provide him with a document that is 2mm larger and 2mm higher that the final one to be sure he can print precisely to the exact border of the paper. I don't want to magnify the whole document as it will maybe cut some information. Any idea on how I could achive that?
Not so easy because you can't use backgrounds tricks but it can be done with modified page dimension.
Here is my setup:
Make the resulting page 2mm larger on each side. \definepapersize[A5plus][width=150mm,height=214mm] \definepapersize[A4plus][width=214mm,height=300mm] \setuppapersize[A5plus][A4plus]
\setuparranging[2UP,rotated] \setuppagenumbering [alternative=doublesided] \definelayout [default] [leftmargin=0mm,rightmargin=24mm, topspace=0mm,backspace=10mm, width=115mm, height=middle]
\definelayout [default] [leftmargin=0mm, rightmargin=24mm, top=2mm, bottom=2mm, topspace=2mm, backspace=10mm, width=115mm, height=middle] %\setuplayout[location=middle] % not necessary
\setuplayout[default] \setupbodyfont[sansserif,10pt] \enableregime[utf] \setupcolors[state=start] \definecolor [marginblue] [c=.71,m=.58,y=0,k=.43] \setupbackgrounds [text,header,footer] [rightmargin] [background=color,backgroundcolor=marginblue]
\setupbackgrounds [top,header,text,footer,bottom] [rightmargin] [background=color,backgroundcolor=marginblue] Wolfgang