Hi Thomas,
In your original post you stated that stated that you have be using LaTeX for your work.
That would suggest to me that you are not proficient with TeX proper. ConTeXt runs, in my
opinion, along the lines of TeX proper. That is you need intimate knowledge of TeX. Furthermore,
you need a good background in ConTeXt and its use of Lua.
These facts would have me advise you to not use ConTeXt.
Furthermore ConTeXt is a moving target. That is, it is still in development. At least you can
compare it to the early days of LaTeX2e. Things change fast, especially if you use the standalone,
even though it is probably the best option.
do not get me wrong ConTeXt is powerful and usable, but you really need to know what
you are doing and what the modules really do.
I assume I am in a similar position as you I prefer a LaTeX approach. Though ConText is
quite advanced and interesting, it is too TeXian for me. I follow this list because I am
interested to and using Lua(La)TeX. (Please ConTeXt group disregard my somewhat negative
opinion of ConTeXt, just is not my cup of tee!)
I noticed that you are using a MacBook Pro with OSX 10.6. My suggestion would be to use
MacTeX and TeXLive 2012. It is most likely to give you more mileage.
Furthermore try out LuaLaTeX. It gives you the advantage of using what you know and
you can use Lua for doing things that are not that easy to do with LaTeX alone. Once you are
comfortable with LuaLaTeX or LuaTeX then you may want to switch to ConTeXt.
As a side note I am using a mid 2009 MacBook Pro 17" with OSX 10.8.2 and MacTeX/TeXLive 2012.
Hope this helps.
Am 10.01.2013 um 09:13 schrieb "Meigen, Thomas"
Hello Sietse,
thank you for your proposal. I guess that there is not a lack of options here.
However, my problem may be simpler than I had described in the first place. I am not so much concerned with using a specific slide layout (be it s-pre-05 or some fancy simple- or complexslide layout), but whether I want to use ConTeXt at all...