Saturday, May 29, 2004 Sebastian Sturm wrote:
Yes, this is generally true. All modules should get loaded before \starttext.
Well, I had loaded it before \starttext in both cases. But when I loaded it in the first line of my file, it didn't adjust the delimiters; after moving the \usemodule[nath] line directly above the \starttext line, it worked like a charm. Maybe I produced some garbage inbetween. :-)
Nath is a very complex module, easily broken. If you can privately send me your preamble we might be able to find what was breaking it. Or you can try it yourself: move it up line by line until delimiters don't work anymore: you'll find what makes it bomb :)
Anyway, it looks like the fix is easy: the problem is that dimension commands are not protected (unexpandable).
Thank you very much, I'll try that. If it doesn't work, I can still get along without units, though it would have been nice to have that too.
BTW, is there some kind of manual on aligning nath equations? I tried to align multiline equations using \startalign, but that only worked (in display mode) as long as no delimiters were used; \[ \startalign a &= (b \\ b &= c) \stopalign \] always produced an error message saying that I had left out an "}". I probably made some mistake, so a tutorial on aligning equations with nath would be great. The nathguide.pdf mentions eqnarray, but I guess that's not available in ConTeXt, or is it?
Not yet. Those multi-equation environments are somewhat more difficult to convert to ConTeXt. And I still haven't got a complete grasp on how things work in ConTeXt (esp wrt numbering), so it's a double effort. It's on my TODO list though. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta