21 Oct
21 Oct
3:45 p.m.
Monday, October 21, 2002 Jens-Uwe Morawski wrote: JUM> For example, i would like to use such a ballon-widget as a JUM> dropdown-menu in an interactive document that contains JUM> a list of chapters, ...: JUM> \balloon[placement={below,centered}, JUM> frameclass=DropMenu, JUM> opendirection=down, JUM> openaction=OnClick] JUM> {Chapters} JUM> {\placelist JUM> [chapter] JUM> [criterium=all, JUM> alternative=a, JUM> pagenumber=no, JUM> interaction=all]} JUM> and tooltips are then: JUM> \defineballoon[tooltip][...] Sounds definitely what we are all looking for :) -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta