list members:
I have the following context code:
[doc] [rm] [TeX Gyre Bonum]
\definefontfamily [doc] [ss]
[Tex Gyre Adventor]
\definefallbackfamily [doc] [mm] [Tex Gyre
Adventor] [range=0x00000-0x2FA1F,force=yes]
[doc] [mm] [TeX Gyre Pagella Math]
font: <SERIF C H O N P>, {\ss <SANS SERIF C H O N P>} \\
font: \m{<DEFAULT~C~H~O~N~P>}, \m{\rm <SERIF~C~H~O~N~P>},
\m{\ss <SANS~SERIF~C~H~O~N~P>}
1. In the pdf
result \rm math font is Tex Gyre Adventor and \ss math is Tex Gyre
How can I have context to print math \rm with Tex Gyre
Pagella serif, and math \ss
with Tex Gyre Adventor font? Why a
roman/serif font is replaced with a sans serif font?