During the last few months the wiki got plenty of new commands added that you could use.
The wiki's list of commands is nowhere near complete, alas. There are a few (not many) commands *documented* on there that are not documented elsewhere, but if it's *existence* of commands you want to know about, the wiki is not a good source, so don't bother.
But I don't think there's an interface to retrieve information from the wiki in an automated fashion.
The API is, in fact, enabled: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/api.php But that is more for automated editing than automated retrieval: there are simply not enough microformats/templates in use to make automated processing worthwhile. As for what I myself do when I want to know about the existence or implementation of commands: I grep the source. This is NOT the same as producing a list of all commands, of course; just something that is also very useful, and may often solve the problem. I've defined a command 'crep' that will automatically search the source files in the main ConTeXt directory, so if I need something figure- or footnote-related I'll type crep '\\def.*figure' or crep 'footnote', for example That will usually at least give me an idea on which file I should look at. Once inside the file, there are often documenation comments that start with %D. It's not ideal. But it helps. ## start crep command in my .bashrc and .zshrc function condir { cd /opt/context/tex/texmf-context/tex/context/base/ } # Easy grepping of ConTeXt functions function crep { condir; grep -R $* * } ## end crep command Cheers, Sietse