Hi again, I was told the where the style files (e.g. bibl-apa-de.tex) are located and got directions on how the files should be modified. I started modifying the bibl-apa.tex according to the 6th edition of the APA style manual. But now I get the impression, that the mechanism with those style files isn't able to cope with APA. That's why I wanted to ask if it is even possible to implement the following features by modifying the style files, or should I then better rewrite it in Lua (if there's need for extensive hackery)? :) If it can be done with the style files, then please point my in the right direction? -- When citing in text: two authors are separated only by "and", e.g. "Walker and Allen", but when there are three or more authors then there is a comma before the "and", e.g. "Bradley, Ramirez, and Soo". -- When there is no author of the source and the editor is listed first, then the reference starts with "Editor, E. (Ed.)". But if authors are given (for e.g. a book chapter with own title) and the editors are listed later, then their names are not inverted and without the comma, e.g. "E. Editor (Ed.)". -- According to the APA manual the complete list of authors is given in the publication list if there are seven or less authors. If there are eight or more authors, they are not abbreviated by "et al.", but the first six authors are given, followed by "..." and the last author. -- The first citation (e.g. "Bradley, Ramirez, and Soo (2006)") of a reference should be different from subsequent citations (e.g. "Bradley et al. (2006)") of the same reference. -- The number of authors abbreviation with "et al." depends on the author names: if there is e.g. "Bradley, Ramirez, and Soo (2006)" and "Bradley, Soo, and Allen (2006)", then the correct abbreviations after the first cite would be "Bradley, Ramirez, et al. (2006)" and "Bradley, Soo, et al. (2006)", respectively. Thanks in advance for any hints or suggestions. Kind regards, Stefan