Lukáš wrote:
it seems that Ctx [re]defines the system variable HOME on its run
Did some digging, and indeed it does. This is what happens, if I read the code correctly (lines 11681-11696 of context/bin/mtxrun): * `homedir` is read from the environment variable USERPROFILE on Windows, and from HOME on Linux. * both USERPROFILE and HOME (and environment.homedir) are then set to the value of `homedir`. Questions this raises: (1) Windows does not seem to use HOME (it's not in any of the lists of environment variables that I found), only HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH, so what do you use it for? (2) why would mtxrun set the variables and risk overwriting something? The comments suggest it is for the benefit of the cnf files, but still --- why overwrite? ossetenv("HOME", homedir) -- can be used in unix cnf files ossetenv("USERPROFILE",homedir) -- can be used in windows cnf files (3) What is the 'correct' thing to do here? Should HOME be the same as USERPROFILE? Should you not be using HOME? Should mtxrun not be overwriting HOME? My knowledge ends here --- anyone know any answers to any questions? Cheers and good luck, Sietse Below: relevant code from mtxrun, lines 11681-11696 local homedir = osgetenv(ostype == "windows" and 'USERPROFILE' or 'HOME') or '' if not homedir or homedir == "" then homedir = char(127) -- we need a value, later we wil trigger on it end homedir = file.collapsepath(homedir) ossetenv("HOME", homedir) -- can be used in unix cnf files ossetenv("USERPROFILE",homedir) -- can be used in windows cnf files environment.homedir = homedir