There must be something badly amiss in the textbackground processing. Below a small example demonstrating the problem. When a block falls badly on a page boundary an error occurs as shown. One may have to tweak the \blank[] in order to get the error depending on local font settings etc. In my case 0.78 shoved the second block to page 2 without an error but from 0.79 onwards the error occurs. At 0.66 the block is split after the third line, but at 0.68 again the error shows. TeX complains as follows. ! Argument of \dodoubletestempty has an extra }. <inserted text> \par <to be read again> } \doifnextcharelse ...token =#1\def \!!stringa {#2} \def \!!stringb {#3}\futur... \doMPpositiongraphic ...ta {#1:}\setupMPvariables [self=pbg:1, mp=mpos:par:c... \dodoublegroupempty #1->\def \dodogetargument ## 1{\def \dodogetargument {\do... \dohandleMPpositiongraphicrange ...ositiongraphic {#3}{#4}\fi \fi ... l.29 third line ? Process aborted ======================================================================== === % metapost based variable backgrounds \setupcolors[state=start] \definetextbackground[code][frame=off,location=paragraph, backgroundcolor=cyan,color=red,backgroundoffset=0pt] \definetyping[TEST] \setuptyping[TEST][option=JV, before={\bgroup\setupinterlinespace[line=3ex]% \testpage[1]\starttextbackground[code]}, after={\stoptextbackground\egroup}] \setupbodyfont[14pt] \starttext Testing textbackground\crlf \startTEST first line second line third line fourth line fifth line \stopTEST \blank[0.73\textheight] \startTEST first line second line third line fourth line fifth line \stopTEST \stoptext Hans van der Meer