Hello, I'm forwarding the author's answer back to the mailing list. If anyone has some nice idea about possible solutions, let us/him know ... I don't remember how I was solving such problems so far, but I know that I have always been missing: % maybe even some external file with extremely long code \starttikzpicture{picture name} ... \stoptikzpicture \placefigure{some figure}{\usetikzpicture{picture name}} If that was implemented, maybe \usetikzpicture could be inside an hbox? Mojca On Mon, Sep 29, 2008 at 3:12 PM, Till Tantau wrote:
the problem is caused by the fact that a tikz/pgf picture is a \hbox, but with \leavevmode before it. This turned out to be necessary to ensure that tikzpictures behave the same way for all backend drivers.
Certainly the added \hbox is a correct solution to this problem since it gets tex back into the right "mode"...
I don't really know how to change this in an elegant manner since existing code will now assume that tikzpictures are always set in horizontal mode, so any change could have desastrous consequences for existing documents.
Sorry, Till
Am 22.09.2008 um 20:13 schrieb Mojca Miklavec:
On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 8:03 PM, Marcin Borkowski
wrote: Hi again;),
this won't work:
\placefigure[right]{none}{\starttikzpicture \draw (0,0) -| (2,2) -| (0,0) -- (2,2) (2,0) -- (0,2) (1,1) circle(1); \stoptikzpicture} (some text...)
The tikzpicture apparently extends to the whole text width, resulting in an overfull box (and nasty paragraph formatting). Putting it into an \hbox helps, so I know what to do; the question is, _why_ this works that way?