On Sun, 26 Jan 2003 21:27:01 +0100
Hans Hagen
At 05:56 PM 1/24/2003 +0100, you wrote:
So, is there a variable set in the ConTeXt-MP-file that is _not_ provided by MetaFun?
Ok, i added:
string contextversion ; contextversion := "\contextversion" ;
I know, but the colors of the outsides of the segments are calculated
depending on the observation angle. Currently i don't understand how cmyk-colors are implemented, so i dont know how to deal with.
as other things: special trickery, so
color xyz ; xyz = cmyk(1,0,1,0) ;
okay, but if the user specifies a color (0,1,0) as a segment-color then piechartMP has no chance to see a difference between (0,1,0) and cmyk(1,0,1,0). Since i have to draw the segment-outsides in the same color-model as the main segment-color is, i need a way to lookup which color-model has been used. An other way is to have a switch that tells piechartMP to always use cmyk-colors. Is there a variable passed to the ConTeXt-MP-file that specifies that cmyk should be used? What function is used for the cmyk-->rgb transformation, so i can re-transform rgb to cmyk? Best, Jens