Thank Hans,

I thought something along those lines, but thank you for the explanation. Indeed, I probably should do it differently.

If the "force" option would not break anything then I would like to try that, otherwise it is all fine as is.
This is not really critical and I will rather change the float in my document than create more issues.


On Mon, Nov 15, 2021 at 2:00 PM Hans Hagen <> wrote:
On 11/15/2021 6:26 AM, Adam Reviczky via ntg-context wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to allow a paragraph to break over two pages (between the
> paragraph start and the placement of the float) with a hanging float
> further down the paragraph?
> MWE:
> \starttext
> \input lorem
> \blank[20*line]
> % commenting out the hanging float allows paragraph break
> \startplacefigure[location={right,15*hang}]
> \framed[width=3cm,height=2cm]{graphic}
> \stopplacefigure
> \dorecurse{10}{\input lorem}
> \stoptext
> When I remove the hanging float, the paragraph is broken down at the
> first pagebreak.
> With the float, the paragraph starts always on the next page, regardless
> of the space left on the previous page.
Yes and no ... tex cannot really lookahead here. But thanks to some
recent new trickery I can provide:


However, it really is up to the user to check of all works out right
(but i assume that the 15*hang is also soemthing specific for the
situation). Adapting this already (too) complex mechanism too much is
asking for issues.


                                           Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
               Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
        tel: 038 477 53 69 | |