On Mon, 12 Jun 2006, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
2. How to get textext to work?
startMPrun not check for textext. Consider % \forceMPTEXgraphictrue % Does not make a difference! \starttext \startMPrun{testmp} beginfig(1) drawarrow (0,0)--(1cm,0) ; drawarrow (0,0)--(0,1cm) ; label.llft(textext("(0,0)"),origin) ; endfig; \stopMPrun \externalfigure[testmp.1] \stoptext which gives the dreaded "unknown" string, while \starttext \startMPgraphic beginfig(1) drawarrow (0,0)--(1cm,0) ; drawarrow (0,0)--(0,1cm) ; label.llft(textext("(0,0)"),origin) ; endfig; \stopMPgraphic \externalfigure[\jobname-mpgraph.1] \stoptext works. I can get my previous macro to work for textext using startMPgraphic. \def\startMPfigure#1#2\stopMPfigure {\bgroup \setMPrandomseedfalse %Otherwise randomseed := number line always differ \def\executeMPOST##1% {texmfstart --verbose --ifchanged=##1.mp bin:mpost \ifcase\interactionmode\MPOSTbatchswitch\or\MPOSTnonstopswitch\fi \space\ifuseMETAFUNformat \MPOSTformatswitch metafun \fi ##1} \def\executeMPTEX##1% slower, due to nested texexec call {texmfstart --verbose --ifchanged=##1.mp texexec --batch \ifcase\interactionmode --logfile='mptex.log' \fi --output=\MPOSTdriver\space \ifuseMETAFUNformat --mpformat=metafun \fi --mptex --nomp --once ##1} \def\MPgraphicfile{\jobname-#1} \newcount\currentMPgraphic \startMPgraphic #2 \stopMPgraphic\egroup\deallocateMPslot\currentMPgraphic} \def\useMPfigure{\dosingleempty\douseMPfigure} \def\douseMPfigure[#1]% {\externalfigure[\jobname-#1.1]} \starttext \startMPfigure{circle} fill fullcircle scaled 10cm; \stopMPfigure \startMPfigure{axis} drawarrow (0,0)--(1cm,0) ; drawarrow (0,0)--(0,1cm) ; label.llft(textext("(0,0)") ,origin) ; \stopMPfigure \hbox to \hsize \bgroup \hss \useMPfigure[circle][width=1cm] \hss \useMPfigure[axis] \hss \egroup \stoptext Right now I have a big speed improvement as metapost is not executed each time. I only need to convert the mps files to pdf to save a bit on pdf conversion. Aditya