Hi Hans,
On Sat, May 31, 2008 at 12:33 PM, Hans Hagen
Wolfgang Schuster wrote:
\doifsomething{#1} {\tmpblockstartedtrue %\immediate\write\tmpblocks{\string#1}}% \immediate\write\tmpblocks{#1}}%
i have no problem with the \long but changing the \string ... it's there for a reason so i need to look into it
I removed it because the output from \startletter text \stopletter was written as "\partext" to the temp file and I got "\par text" after I removed the \string.
\convertargument#1\to\ascii %\doifsomething{#1} \doifsomething\ascii {\tmpblockstartedtrue %\immediate\write\tmpblocks{\string#1}}% %\immediate\write\tmpblocks{#1}}% \immediate\write\tmpblocks{\ascii}}%
this may introduce spaces after \cs and therefore renders buffers useless for verbatim usage
This hack is not so importand because a empty line before the \dorecurse did help.
because I won't force users of my letter module to put a \relax after \startletter only because they use MkII.
did you try
Seems to be work in my example, I will try it later with my module but it looks good for the moment. Thanks Wolfgang