12 May
12 May
9:48 p.m.
Hi all, Trying to select "slashed zero" and "lining figures" from a font. For Lucida Bright OT, as another example, +scmp works, but not for Charter ITC Pro. But the font that concerns me the most right now, is TheSansMono Condensed... Font URL: http://www.lucasfonts.com/fonts/thesansmono/thesansmono-condensed/features/ PDF Info: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6613992/TheSansMonoCd-info.pdf 8<-------------------minimal example---------------------------->8 \newdimen\fntcodesz \fntcodesz = 11.5pt \font\kwr = name:thesansmonocdw5regular:+lnum;+zero at \fntcodesz \kwr 0123456789 \bye 8<-------------------------------------------------------------->8 Thank you for your attention, Regards Aíre