Hi, Hans: bug report : here is the test file. (old version of mkiv produce right result. current mkii result is also right) It is a bug introduced in this/last month. The code is a stripped down version of http://wiki.contextgarden.net/Horizontal_Table_of_Contents (altough it doesn't show toc horizontally) \newcount\chapcounter \chapcounter=0 \def\tocchap#1#2#3{\advance\chapcounter by 1 #1 #2% \placelist[section][criterium=chapter,number=\chapcounter]} \starttext \placelist[chapter][alternative=command,command=\tocchap] \chapter{hello} \section{hello} \section{hello} \chapter{good} \section{good} \section{good} \chapter{bad} \section{bad} \section{bad} \stoptext feature request: btw, Hans, context should give an option to iterate through all the chapters/sections to do something tricky. using \chaptercounter is a really bad idea (the materials should follow strict rules, like cannot jump from chap 1 to chap 3). I think with mkiv it is able to achieve that. question: I want to show toc before each chapter, and the toc only shows the following chapter name in red. How can I do that? e.g. show the following before chapter 3 % A Page Chap1 sec 1 sec 2 sec 3 Chap2 sec 1 sec 2 sec 3 Chap 3 %in red sec 1 sec 2 sec 3 %in Red Chap4 sec 1 sec 2 sec 3 % Next Page Chapter 3 % title a lot of materials Yue Wang