Wednesday, August 27, 2003 Idris S Hamid wrote: ISH> FWIW, I think that one list is certainly enough. ISH> Looking at the Omega list I'm ISH> not sure there was any real benefit in having two ISH> lists; we certainly don't need ISH> to divide energies at this stage with two low-traffic lists. ISH> Now when eOmega becomes a hit, we can adjust accordingly. I fully agree.
Given the ideas on the name change (which will be factual with the first officially "stable" release, that is the one following RC2, probably) it's probably better to use aleph in the mailing list name. So:
ISH> BTW, since u and Hans seem to like my idea (and I'm ISH> cc'ing the others to see if ISH> they object), is it official? Are we going with Aleph? Yes, but only at freeze-time for the first "stable" release. That is, it'll still be e-Omega RC<something> until it seems to have been fixed and cleaned up enough. My guess is that this will take one or two Release Candidates more (RC2 at least, maybe RC3 if some other important bug pops up). Then I'll make the switch, and we'll start with $\Aleph_0$ (first stable release); we'll then go for $\Aleph_0+1$, +2, +3 for bugfix releases, and $\Aleph_1$ ($\Aleph_2$, etc) for major releases. -- Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta