Dear list, I have the following graphic \startuseMPgraphic{TitleGraphic} draw outlinetext.b (\MPstring{TitleText}) (withcolor "titlefg") (withcolor "titleoutline"); \stopuseMPgraphic which I tried to use as follows to produce a stylized 'title' head: \setupMPtext{TitleText}{% \starteffect[stretch]\bfc\namedstructurevariable{title}{title}\stopeffect} \useMPgraphic{TitleGraphic} [colors "titlefg" and "titleoutline" are set using \definecolor] But, the 'stretch' effect caused by \starteffect[stretch]…\stopeffect does not work with 'outlinetext' method in the MPgraphic. I have verified that the desired effect is produced using 'textext' method instead. But in that case I have to cheat (i.e draw twice; once with blownup) to get the text outline. Now, if I write instead \setupMPtext{TitleText}{% \kerncharacters[0.15]\bfc\namedstructurevariable{title}{title}} \useMPgraphic{TitleGraphic} then the desired effect is produced. As such, my purpose is served well by using \kerncharacters. Nonetheless, I request your kind help in understanding why this is happening and/or if I am doing something wrong. Thanks, kauśika