2008/6/30 Idris Samawi Hamid
What does ConTeXt have that Framemaker does not?
I don't know about ConTeXt, but I know that something like LaTeX's \include/\includeonly was a new feature of Frame 7 (from 2002). And I'd be surprised if it's math support doesn't suck compared to TeX's. :-)
What does Framemaker have that ConTeXt does not? (svg integration comes to mind -- there's been some svg discussion here the last couple of days).
tagged pdf export, Quark & Pagemaker import, ...
From what I know of Framemaker -- structured processing etc, it seems that would be a more a~propos comparison with ConTeXt than InDesign.
FrameMaker 7 <-> InDesign 2: http://dcortesi.home.mindspring.com/ID-FM.htm I've heard that FM is a very good XML editor. Best Martom