Van: "Jerzy.Ludwichowski" <>
Datum: 2 april 2019 om 00:42:57 CEST
Aan: LUG boards <>
Onderwerp: BachoTeX 2019 for latecomers
Antwoord aan:
Dear Friends,
please forward the message below to your members.
Many thanks -- Jerzy
Dear Texies,
this is no April Fools' Day news: the deadline for both the
registrations and contributions (Author! Author!) is extended
until April 10 2019.
The BachoTeX 2019 site is at
There you can easily find the registration form, the call for papers,
information for authors, and the current, constantly updated,
conference program content.
Don't waste time, don't waste the opportunity. Hurry!
Jerzy Ludwichowski
(for the Organizing and Program Committees)