Hi Harald. I remember you very well:-) unforgettable guy (see http://bulletin.cstug.cz/pdf/2011-2-4 on page 70 - guy number 22 :-)) In terms of assistance, I think that many users in this conference, happy to help. Moreover, I think it will be quite useful, since it will be certainly practical questions whose solution will surely welcome the many users ConTeXt. E.g. the very first query and reply to it (ie Shrink JPGs to some resolution (dpi) ?) deeply impressed me and learn about practical things. A greeting to you and all enthusiasts of this conference, which is an integral part of my life (both work and hobby too) ... Jaroslav Hajtmar Dne 9.3.2015 v 22:00 Harald Koenig napsal(a):
Hello ConTeXt users!
since I'm new to this list (and the group of context users;) a quick introduction to myself and my current project:
I've been using LaTeX since 1986 -- some of you may know me from some TeX meetings (and recently also the context users's meetings -- without really using context so far).
in 2009 using LaTeX I typeset a 100 page diary+pictures book about a group tour from our parish to Israel and Jordan. making text flowing around the picutres with LaTeX (in the way I'd like to typeset it) was a real nightmare with LaTeX.
so after finishing that project with LaTeX due to severe time constraints, I've used that text to convert it to context and learn a bit how this book can be typeset (much better?) using context -- mostly whenever I met Hans at every tex conference I could et hands on him, and also Willi and other helpers! but the "context-way" Isreal book always remained unfinished or at least unpolished as there was no need (and again no time) to really perfectly finish up.
now this happend again: recently I've been traveling through India, again with a group of our parish. and again, there was that idea to make such a nice book like for the Isreal tour. so this time, I'd like to use context instead of latex...
BUT, there are still quite some issues where I'll need *your* help to make this really work and get a nice book.
I'll try to split up my questions into separate mails, hopefully with small to minimal examples if possible (and if you'd like to get hards on my complete ugly tex code, plesae feel free to ask me!... ;-)
so thanks in advance for any advice and help,