Hello, It might be 100 time this question appears on the list, but I cannot find the answer. I need Introduction to have no number, and next section to have number 1, so on. My current solution gives me number 2, instead. Please, look what should be done with my code: \starttext \setupindenting[yes, big, first] \setupheads[indentnext=yes] \setupfloats[indentnext=yes] \setuphead[section][number=no] \section{INTRODUCTION} % should have no number The syllabus on each discipline is a must for successful teaching process organization according to the European Credit Transfer System. Teachers and students are to be familiarized with it. Grading system is an integral part of the syllabus and provides for assessment of student’s knowledge and skills during current, module and semester checks. Grading procedure is performed according to the national grading scale and European Credit Transfer System grading scale. \setuphead[section][number=yes] \section{REFERENCE NOTES} % should have number 1 \subsection{Aim of the discipline} % 1.1 \subsection{Tasks for learning the discipline} % 1.2 \section{DISCIPLINE CONTENT} % should have number 2 ... \stoptext