luigi.scarso wrote:
1. i dont't know how to make checking
AFAIK, there is only one way to do this: write a new tex file on- the-fly and run a separate texexec on that file (using \write18), then parse the resulting log file for the occurence of any errors. Not simple at all, I'm afraid.
2. \type does not combine well with \meaning: ò (ie {\`o} ) is not show.
This is a side-effect of TeX being an 8-bit program that doesn't understand utf-8 itself. utf-8 in ConTeXt works by virtue of the first character of a sequence having catcode 13 (\active), but \meaning never outputs any catcodes except 12 (character) and 10 (space). This can be fixed by calling \scantokens: \expanded\type{\expandafter\scantokens\expandafter{\Temp}}% Cheers, Taco