Hi Vladimir,
You may try the '\definefallbackfamily' command if you are written in another language than Russian;
if the whole text is in Cyrillic, I don't have any idea how you can't achieve the itemize purpose.
Since I guess you are aware about what kind of font match with cyrillic, there is something to clear with the itemizing setting.
If your document is written in another language than English, test this MWE (in which I don't understand either why the numbering is not in Russian!) :
definefallbackfamily [mainface] [serif] [AGGaramondCyr] [range=cyrillic]
\definefontfamily [mainface] [serif] [AGGaramondCyr]
\setuplanguage[en,ru][patterns={fr, de, ru}]
A sentence in Russian :
Традиционная систематика лишайников оказывается во многом условна и
\item первый
\item второй
----- Mail original -----
De: "Ulrike Fischer"
I'm trying to use Russian (Cyrillic) letters for itemize list but without luck.
Imho there is no predefined conversion, but you can define your own: http://wiki.contextgarden.net/User-Defined_Enumerations -- Ulrike Fischer http://www.troubleshooting-tex.de/ ___________________________________________________________________________________ If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the Wiki! maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context webpage : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net archive : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/ wiki : http://contextgarden.net ___________________________________________________________________________________